Community Policy

DesignFist is a company that aims to put its users first when it comes to making important decisions. It’s a place where creative people showcase their work, share ideas with the rest of the community. To ensure this initiative help our users to be more productive, propagate ideas among the community, and plants the seed of innovation among each other, DesignFist has put in place a Community Guidelines.

Table of Contents:

1. Rules for Making Great Community

1. Be Real

Unlike some other online services, our users need to be real people, who provide their real names and accurate information about themselves. It is not okay to provide misleading information about yourself, your qualifications or your work experience, affiliations or achievements on DesignFist.

DesignFist is a place of creative people to interact genuinely with one another. To maintain the quality of these interactions, we remove accounts that engage in behavior that undermines the authenticity of our community, including accounts that use fake profiles (to artificially increase appreciations or distribute spam), impersonate other people or entities. For similar reasons, we also suspend any accounts that accept (or offer) compensation in exchange for positive comments or appreciations.

2. Be Respectful

We ask our members to behave professionally by not being dishonest or inappropriate. We acknowledge the value of discussions on the platform and around someone’s work, but we do not want you to use DesignFist to shock or intimidate others. It is not okay to share graphic images to shock others, and it is not okay to share obscene images or pornography on DesignFist.

3. Upload Your Own Work

DesignFist is a place for sharing your own creative work — not for uploading or sharing other people’s work that you like. Please do not upload projects related to non-creative services or products that you are selling. If you want to show your appreciation for someone else’s work, you can scroll to the bottom of the project and click the “Like” button or you can promote their work via social sharing sites like Twitter, Facebook or Pinterest. But please don’t upload other people’s work into your own portfolio. This creates confusion about who originally authored the work (and we are all about people getting credit for what they create!)

4. Constructive Criticism

When you discuss and idea or a project, it’s okay to disagree or not like someone’s work. But you need to be professional and provide constructive criticism to the project rather than bullying harassing or by using inappropriate language.

5. Stay On-topic

Discussions must be about the creative work in the project that you are commenting on. Don’t use comments on someone else’s project to promote your own work or to link to other websites. We consider off-topic posts ‘spam’ and we deactivate accounts that repeatedly violate this guideline.

6. Be Nice

DesignFist shouldn’t be used to harm others. Terrorists and those who engage in violent crimes are not welcome on DesignFist. It is not okay to use DesignFist‘s services to harass, abuse, or send other unwelcomed communications to people (e.g., junk mail, spam, chain letters, phishing schemes). Do not use DesignFist’s services to promote or threaten violence or property damage, or for hate speech acts like attacking people because of their race, ethnicity, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, political or religious affiliations, or medical or physical condition. Also, don’t use DesignFist’s services to intentionally infect others with viruses, worms, or other software that can destroy or interrupt their data or computer devices. It is not okay to interfere or disrupt DesignFist’s service.

7. Put Creative Work not Suitable for Adults behind the Filter

DesignFist is all about helping creative people get exposure for their work, and our “Adult filter” is in this spirit as well. Many countries, schools and companies block web sites that don’t offer safe browsing so, by offering and enforcing this feature, we keep your work available to as broad of an audience as possible.

1. Your creative work is “Safe” if: It is appropriate for an audience of all ages and geographies, and you wouldn’t get in trouble for looking at it at work. Anything safe can be seen by everyone everywhere, whether they’re registered with DesignFist or not.

2. Your creative work should go behind the adult filter If: It contains nudity, expletives, violence or any other material making it unsuitable for a younger audience, a global audience or people at work. Content behind the adult filter is available only to registered DesignFist users who are over 18 and who live in countries where adult content is legal. Also, please don’t put adult content in your profile picture.

1. Share your creative work privately If: It depicts sexual acts, more extreme or graphic nudity, highly offensive content or graphically violent content. Although this type of content is legal in many countries, we don’t allow it in projects shared publicly on DesignFist — even behind the adult filter. You can store it privately. If you want to share it privately, make sure you’re sharing it only with willing recipients who are over 18 and who live in a country where the content you’re sharing is legal.

2. Don’t upload It at all if: your content depicts minors in a sexual manner, or is otherwise legally obscene or illegal. We also don’t allow content that clearly is intended to promote hatred.

8. Respect Others’ Rights and Follow the Law

We do not want DesignFist to be used for illegal activities or to violate the rights of others. Don’t use DesignFist’s services to commit fraud. Before sharing or using someone else’s copyrighted works, Trademarks, private information, or trade secrets, please make sure you have the legal right to do so.

Don’t present other people’s work as your own or overstate your own role in creating something. Don’t use other people’s Trademarks without permission. If you aren’t sure whether your use of someone else’s content or Trademark in your own work is legal, you can consult publicly available reference materials of copyrighting, payment and Trademarks, the Chilling Effects website, or talk to an intellectual property attorney. If you want to report misuse of your own creative work or your own Trademark by one of our users, you can do that here.

9. Respect Privacy:

Don’t use DesignFist to reveal private information about other people. And don’t upload photographic portraits or nude images of identifiable people unless you have their permission.

11. Respect DesignFist’s Rights

Please don’t violate the rights of DesignFist. You can find more information about what this means in our Terms of Services, but put simply, please don’t use DesignFist’s services to wrongfully take data or information. It is not okay to suggest that you are affiliated with or endorsed by DesignFist when you are not, and it is not okay to violate DesignFist’s intellectual property rights.