

Art and Design Research Interns

DesignFist is hiring Art and Design Research Interns.

What is DesignFist?

Design Fist is a designing platform that aims to inspire the creative community by celebrating and stimulating the finest in Art and Design and advertising. It offers a unique and robust market place which brings together the designers from all over the world with a motive of providing benefits to clients from diverse parts of distinct industry verticals.

With competitions and informational content of impeccable quality, we help to embrace a growth mind-set to fuel innovation and, encourage constant and continuous learning, promote collaboration, wellbeing, and rapidly adapt to a new ecosystem for the workplace. Hence, this supports our utmost importance given to wide ranging creative and aesthetic preferences.

What are we looking for?

DesignFist is very pleased to announce that we are soon going to launch our E-Magazine on our online publishing platform www.designfist.com. We are searching for enthusiastic Art and Design research interns, to do research on different movements that took place in Art and Design History.

What you have to do?

1. As an intern you have to pick a topic related to Art and Design and do research on it, and make a time line with a brief description. (mention the references)

2. After research work you have to interpret the work of famous artists/designers related to that topic/movement.

3. After compiling all the work you have to make your own art/design work on that topic and write your interpretation about it.

4. After all the work is done you have to make a gist of 2 pages and submit with all other documents.

What you will get?

1. One to one interaction sessions with professionals.

2. Recommendation letter from DesignFist.

3. Your work will get featured in our upcoming E-Magazine, website and other social Media Handles.

How to apply for internship?

1. Mail your portfolio with cv to connect@designfist.com

2. Mention subject: Application for research internship.

General Information:

1. Internship Period will be of two Months.

2. Students in 3rd and 4th year of bachelors, Masters and PhD can apply for internship.

3. Professional can also apply for the same.

4. This internship is not paid.

5. When you submit work to DesignFist you will provide DesignFist the sublicense to use your work for publishing and marketing.

6. If you left internship before the agreed time period no perks will provided to you.

7. Make sure that there should not be any copyright infringement in your work, in case your work face any copyright infringement you will directly resolve the issue with the cal