Best Entry by Ts. Dr. Velu Perumal
About the Artwork:
The majority of people in Tamil Nadu, India's southernmost state, speak
Tamil as their native language. In Malaysia, Singapore, South Africa,
Mauritius, and other places, there are large Tamil-speaking populations
descended from India.
Indians first came into contact with Malaya (Malaysia) thousands of
years ago. In the early centuries A.D., Indian cultural and linguistic influences were effective in bringing about changes in Malaya (Malaysia)
(Ryan, 1971).
The current residents, on the other hand, were brought by British
colonialism as workers in sugarcane, tea, coffee, and rubber plantations
in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. Many others became
cheap labourers of roads and railways constructions.
Despite the fact that these Indian labourers speaks variety of mother
tongues, Tamil became the primary language of communication.
It unites them and strengthening the link of brotherhood that exists
between Indians in Malaysia and the Indians in India especially Tamil
Nadu population to this day.
The concept of this work is based on the word "Tamil" written in Tamil
language. This word is carefully written to reflect the history of the
migration of Indians to Malaya (Malaysia). The word "Tamil" [ ]
is written in the form of a human body aboard by a ship, transform the
forests into agricultural farms, roads and railways.
This art also demonstrates how Indian labourers used to start work in
dark before the sunrise and strive for a brighter future. This art piece also
resembles how Indian workers, regardless of race, religion, or occupation, used to live in darkness and strive for a brighter future by using
Tamil as the unifying language
About the Artist
Ts. Dr. Velu Perumal has collaborated with
national and international organisations to
promote design and design thinking
transformation. He has been featured in the
media as an excellent author and
calligrapher. Malaysian government schools
use his educational books as offcial textbooks (Tamil medium). Malaysia Post
presented his calligraphy creations as the
world's first tamil calligraphy postal stamp.
Has studied islamic calligraphy in Malaysia;
Roman and Devanagari calligraphy in Navi
Mumbai at Achyut Palav School of
Velu Perumal is a lecturer in industrial design at Universiti Putra
Malaysia's Department of Industrial Design and the President of the
Association of Creativity, Innovation, and Design Malaysia (ACRIDEM). He worked for global firms including Panasonic Home Appliances Research and Development Centre for fifteen years as an
Industrial Designer and Design Engineer.
As a successful Industrial Design practitioner and a member of the
Malaysia Design Council and Skill Development Consultative
Committee of the Department of Skill Development Malaysia, he
was appointed as an Industrial Specialist by the Ministry of Human
Resources, Malaysia. Being the winner of Malaysia Young Designer’s
Award and Good Design Mark’s Awards for his designs, he has
constantly shared his expertise in numerous ways. He has shared his
knowledge in designing by empowering the young and creative minds by conducting design related lectures and creativity workshops as in
Botswana, Africa, east and peninsular Malaysia. Numerous
universities, government departments, NGOs have invited him as a
guest speaker and trainer in design and creative courses. He enjoys
transforming research findings into tangible product designs.
He has been a panel member of judges for national and international
design and invention competitions like ITEX, MySkill, A’ Design,
James Dyson Design Award, HomeDec, Archidex and Anugerah
Rekabentuk Malaysia.
Other Artworks by Mr. Vishal Verma
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